UiPath 자격증 족보 – UiPath Advanced Developer Certification (2)
시험은 이곳에서 보면 되고 응시는 2020.03.31까지 무료!
Advanced 자격증은 2020.04.30 에 사라지고 1년간 자격이 유효하다고 한다.
Thank you for your interest in UiPath certifications. We are happy to introduce a new UiPath Certified Professional program. This highly valuable, secure, high-stakes program is now available to you! The legacy, free Advanced RPA Developer certification is available but will retire after 30 April 2020 and the certificate will expire in 1 year. You may want to consider getting certified in the new UiPath Certified Professional program, please click here for details.
그리고 구입 가능한 UIpath 도서 추천
Quiz & Answer
Q. What do you mean by RPA ?
Ans. RPA is Robotic Process Automation. It is a process to automate any workflow or business process by using a robot/application. We have many RPA tools currently in the market used by the enterprises. Some of them are :
Automation Anywhere
Q. How is UiPath different from other RPA tool in the market ?
Ans. UiPath has grown tremendously owing to its best in class features which is easy to use. UiPath has an amazing knowledge sharing community which makes it unique. As a user of UiPath I can see that its simplicity and no code workflows can be used to automate any back office processes.
Q. Is it possible to retrieve the color of a specific Excel cell?
Ans. Yes. It is very easy to work with excel and UiPath has lot of pre defined excel activities. You can use ‘Get Cell Color’ to retrieve the color of a specific cell.
Q. What are the different types of variables that can be defined in UiPath Studio ?
Ans. There are many different types of variables. Below are some of them :
Q. Which all technologies can be used for Background Automation in UiPath ?
Ans. Below are some of the background automation used in UiPath :
Q. How can you identify a column in Data Table ?
Ans. We can identify a column in Data table :
By using column name
By using column index
Q. You need to collect employees data and send it by email as an Excel file. What type of workflow is the most suitable for the final part, which adds the file attachment, formats the email, and sends it?
Ans. The most suitable type of workflow for this final part is Sequence.
Q. Which is the best way to delete unreferenced variables?
Ans. You can manage your variables from the Design panel > Manage Variables > Remove Unreferenced.
Q. How can you dynamically change parts of a selector?
Ans. We can dynamically change parts of a selector by using variables to replace the dynamic parts
Q. What type of argument can you define to pass data and retrieve the modified value from an invoked workflow?
Ans. In/Out
Q. While automating an installation wizard, a pop-up window may or may not appear. What can you use to close the window without stopping the workflow?
Ans. We can do the following to close the window without stopping the workflow :
Use a Click activity with the ContinueOnError property set to True.
Use a Click activity inside a Try Catch activity
Q. When should an Attended Robot be used ?
Ans. Attended robots should be used when the processing of some input data relies on human decision.
Q. How does the Anchor Base activity work?
Ans. It searches for an UiElement by using another UiElement as anchor.
Q. Where can the logging level of a robot be changed from?
Ans. Below are the ways from which logging levels can be changed :
The robot settings, which are accessed via the UiPath Robot icon in the System tray.
Orchestrator, in the Edit Robot section, the Settings tab.
Q. What is the best way of managing variable values within a workflow, so that they can be shared on different robots and environments ?
Ans. It can be done by using assets in orchestrator
Q. What can be used to debug a workflow?
Ans. Below can be used to debug a workflow :
Slow Step
Highlighting Activities
Q. What robots can be selected when you start a job from Orchestrator?
Ans. Any robot in the same environment as the process to be executed.
Q. How should exceptions be handled?
Ans. Exceptions can be handled by :
By using Try Catch activities inside the workflow for unexpected application exceptions.
By validating data using conditional blocks for business exceptions.
Q. In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, in the Main workflow, what is the default type of the TransactionItem variable?
Ans. QueueItem
Q. How can you improve a selector?
Ans. We can improve a selector :
By replacing the dynamic parts of an attribute with wildcards.
By using intermediate containers for a better matching of the UI element.
Q. Which emails are deleted if you use Get IMAP Mail Messages with the DeleteMessages property set to true?
Ans. The ones in the list that is retrieved by the Get IMAP Mail Messages activity.
Q. Consider three GenericValue variables, var1 with the default value of “3 apples”, var2 with the default value of “5 mangos”, and the result, which is the output of an Assign Activity with the var1 + var2 expression. What is the value of the resulting variable ?
Ans. 3 apples5 mangoes
Q. Is there any way to hide the execution of one activity in the logs?
Ans. Yes, by checking the Private property of the activity that is to be hidden.
Q. What happens if you try to end the execution of a job by clicking the Stop/Cancel button in UiPath Orchestrator?
Ans. Below is what will happen :
The job state is changed to Canceled/Stopped, even if no Should Stop activity was used
Execution is killed
Q. What is the best way of scraping a large, selectable text in a Citrix environment?
Ans. Select the entire text and copy it with the Copy Selected Text activity.
Q. When requesting a work item from Orchestrator Queues using the Get Transaction Item activity, what do you need to specify ?
Ans. The name of the Queue which contains that specific work item
Q. How can you pass data between workflows?
Ans. By using arguments.
Q. What happens if the ClickBeforeTyping property in a Type Into activity is selected?
Ans. Before typing, a click is performed at the center of the UiElement.
Q. What is the difference between a Click activity whose SimulateClick property is checked and another one with the same property unchecked?
Ans. The activity with the SimulateClick flag unchecked moves the mouse cursor over the target element, while the one with the flag set does not move the mouse cursor.
Q. You want to build a Dispatcher process to populate an Orchestrator Queue for parallel processing on multiple robots. Which activity should you use to add a queue item for each work item?
Ans. Add Queue Item
Q. What types of assets can be stored in Orchestrator?
Ans. Below are types of assets that can be stored :
Q. In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, to enable the retry mechanism without using Queues, what should the value of MaxRetryNumber be set to?
Ans. Any value greater than 0
Q. At the end of the execution of Workflow1, which retrieves some items from a database, is the database connection closed automatically?
Ans. The connection has to be closed using a Disconnect activity.
Q. In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, if a System Error is encountered in the Init state of the Main workflow, which state is executed next?
Ans. End Process
Q. Where should you store the environment settings that are prone to changes?
Ans. We can store the settngs prone to changes :
In Orchestrator, as assets
Inside config files (.xml, .json, .xlsx, etc.)
Q. Which is the best way to navigate to a specific page in a web browser?
Ans. Use the Navigate To activity inside an Attach Browser container
Q. In which workflow in the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template is the retry mechanism implemented?
Ans. The SetTransactionStatus workflow
Q. What can the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template be used as?
Ans. The starting point for every automation project
Q. What happens in the Init state of the Main workflow, in the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template?
Ans. The robot reads the configuration file and initializes all the required applications.
Q. What is the purpose of the WaitForReady property in any UiAutomation activity?
Ans. Before performing the actions, waits for the target to become ready.
Q. Is it possible to write to a text file without using the Write Text File activity?
Ans. Yes. It is possible using :
Yes, using the Invoke Method activity
Yes, with the Invoke Power Shell activity
Q. Downloading a report from a web application takes a variable amount of time, but a pop-up window is shown when the download is finished. What should you do to check whether the file has been fully downloaded before continuing the process?
Ans. Use the On Element Appear activity and indicate the download pop-up window
Q. The String.Format(“Input = {0} and Output = {0}”, “1”,”2”) expression returns the following
Ans. Input = 1 and Output = 1.
Q. How can you retrieve the value stored in a Queue Item variable?
Ans. Use the SpecificContent property
Q. One of the steps in your process is to authenticate on a web application. How can you check if the login succeeded or not?
Ans. Use an Element Exist activity to check whether the login succeeded by searching for an element that is only displayed in that case.
Q. In the UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template, where can the GetAppCredentials workflow retrieve credentials from?
Ans. The getAppCredentials workflow can retrieve credentials from :
Orchestrator Asset
Windows Credential Manager
User dialog
Q. What is the best way of restricting the access of a person to a limited number of pages in Orchestrator?
Ans. By creating a different account and role for that person. When creating a new role, restrictions can be applied.
Q. Is it possible to reprocess a transaction in a Queue after its failure due to an application exception?
Ans. Is is possible :
Yes, if the Auto-Retry property of the Queue is enabled.
Yes, it can be retried manually on the Transactions page.
Q. What is Orchestrator used for?
Ans. Remotely controlling any number of robots and performing workflow management.
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